ECTA Knowledge Platform Forums ECTA – EMISSIONS EXPERTS FORUM CALCULATION METHODS Interest of the chemical industry in scope 3 emissions?

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  • #5898

    QUESTION: Is the Chemical Industry interested in the emission calculation results of carriers?

    No, transport emissions are less than 5 % of the total chemical industry emissions and therefore a typical chemical company gives its own created emissions and calculations a higher priority.

    Yes, some chemical customer segments who face the sustainability pressures will keep asking for the lowest emission transport solution (with proven emission calculations) at the best market price and service.

    Evert de Jong

    The question is a legitimate one. I would understand that the senior management of chemical producers is more focused on controlling/limiting the manufacturing emissions. A uniform approach of all European chemical producers towards emissions calculations and management for logistic activities is what we should have. The SQAS Transport Service module chapter 9 is an excellent example, but I expect most SQAS users again are just interested in the scores without making the effort to study/discuss the content.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Evert de Jong.
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